The vast majority of people that use SARMs tend to use them for the purposes of improving their physique. However, the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of different uses for SARMs, and not all of them have to do with how bulky or muscular they could potentially end up making you all in all. Indeed, some of the advantages of SARMs have nothing to do with muscles at all, but are still going to come together to help you look your best no matter what else you are struggling with at that point in time.
When you start taking a SARM like andarine, your testosterone levels will be stabilized a little. One thing that you might not know is that male pattern baldness is potentially caused by an excess production of testosterone within your body. Hence, if you want to stop hair loss and potentially get some of the hair that you have lost back it would be a good idea for you to at least try and stabilize your hormone levels until they come to a point where they have become completely normal based on other aspects of your body.
SARMs can help with this a lot, but you should realize that overdoing it could potentially deplete your testosterone levels and cause even more baldness. Use SARMs in a manner that is in line with the recommended intake that has been mentioned on the packaging and things should be fine. This is just one of the many ways in which you can prevent hair loss from becoming a major problem that you have to end up dealing with time and time again. Using it appropriately is an essential part of this delicately balanced equation.